Monday, June 15, 2009

Nursing officially ended 15 months 2 weeks

So nursing is over and it was easy.  

Praise Jesus, something about this child was easy.  

Owen has been nursing once every morning since late March. Prior to that it was 2-4 times a day for awhile. 

I have been pregnant since early February, which is when I first started to notice him nursing less and less. Then I went on that trip back in mid-March and couldn't pump much milk but he nursed well when I returned.  After a week of being back, I would attempt an afternoon feeding and he would smile at me, and refuse the breast.  I thought it was funny and fine by me, actually. I was ready for him to be less dependent on my milk. 

Since April, every morning he wakes up in his crib, gets toted into our bed and makes the Baby Sign for "milk" and then he nurses for awhile (5 minutes some mornings, 25 minutes others).  BUT that was it.  He would refuse nursing any other time, even if he ever woke up upset in the middle of the night. He actually did that a few times and preferred the sippy cup with cow's milk to me.  

Then in June he would sometimes ask for "milk" and sometimes not, I suspect my supply was decreasing over time as well.  Anyway, this past Wednesday was his last day.  He just looked up at me and I could tell there just wasn't much left and he was done.  He didn't ask the next day or the next and it's the following Monday now.  

So it's over.  I would be sad if I wasn't pregnant with #2 due this November.  There will be PLENTY of nursing to come.  Nursing has been a very sweet experience and I encourage everyone to stick with it past a year.  

So I'll enjoy my four month break. 

I wanted to make the note to any prospective mom's out there or any mom who nursed for less than 6 months:  IT'S WAY EASIER after 6 months and even easier after 9 months.  I'll say this again but the first three months are incredibly demanding and I think once you get the baby on a nice nap and nurse routine around 5-6 months, it all works out great.  

Second note: if you are a "nursing on demand" mama, none of this may apply to you.  I know plenty of women with 15 month olds who nurse 10+ times a day, and all night: a little bit here and there.  

On demand is DEFINITELY not my thing.  I am not an over-scheduled type A personality but I also knew I didn't and couldn't be available to my baby or child 24-7 with breastmilk. It just didn't fit into my life.  Believe me, it was ENOUGH that he didn't ever take a bottle. 

So if you are like me, YOU CAN nurse past that 6 month marker and get it down to 4-5 times in a 24 hour period, then 3-4 times then 1-2 times.  If you are down to 1-2 times, it might just be first thing in the morning and last thing before bed so it's not like you are at the grocery store nursing...  Owen never nursed before bed after 7 months because I needed Matt to be able to put him to sleep.   Point being, don't object to nursing because your baby will have teeth or because you don't want to nurse your toddler in public--you can make it work for you :) 

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What to feed a fussy eater? Baby won't eat!

Okay so maybe that is an exaggeration but seriously, this kid is picky.  I tried to do the whole "Super Baby Foods" but around 10 months or so Owen wasn't having ANY spoon fed puréed foods AT ALL.  Used to loved squash, sweet potatoes, even spinach, but NOOOO won't touch it now.  He really fell HARD in love with crackers and cheese.  

In no particular order, that is.  Can one baby live on banana, crackers and cheese?  Stay tuned. 

Okay here's what he eats but not in any particular order and sometimes hates it one day and loves it the next:

pasta w/ marinara  (I get the enriched kind)
crackers (loves Amy's Bunnies)
cheddar cheese (little cubes)
veggie burger
yogurt (although hit or miss big time on this one)
cottage cheese
cream cheese
cow's milk
sweet potato fries and regular french fries
whole wheat bread
peanut butter
apple butter
any cookie you put in front of him
any ice cream you show him
any cake
muffins, zucchini bread, baked goods in general
fried tofu cubes
beans: black, kidney (SOMEtimes)
guacamole n' corn chips

mac n' cheese (whaa?)
hot dogs
chicken anything
mashed potatoes

Any suggestions or sympathy out there in Mommy-land?  I really would like to sneak in more veggies and I do have that Jessica Seinfield book but most of that food is for older kids.  

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