Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Business of Being Born

BACK BLOGGING: We saw a great documentary film called "The Business of Being Born." It was shown to a sold out audience in the downtown Flagstaff theater, the Orpheum. It was about the current business of birth in the US. It focused on the alarming rate of C-sections in this country and the general OB practices that are going on in the US today and how that compares to other 1st world countries (without ruing the film for you, we spend more money per birth than UK, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, France and yet have 2nd WORST infant mortality rate). I recommend everyone see it. It was the only film which received a standing ovation at the Tribecca Film Festival in NYC recently. In Manhattan hospitals alone, c-sections have reached an alarming rate of 40-46%. In most other developed countries in the world the rate is less than 12% I knew all the stats in the film because I've done a lot of research on American birth but it was great because they also showed 3-4 home births, all of which were amazing to see. I have seen a live birth 2 years ago when our neighbor delivered at home. It truly was the miracle of life. **Note** Let it be known that every woman who gave birth at home complained in the footage how painful it was (and thereby questioned their decision and ability) but each triumphed in her own way and it seemed like a neat experience. Matt and I were glad we went. If you have Netflix you can save it now and watch it when it's released. You can view the trailer here: Check out their website HERE

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